
Linux Klasörleri



/root (home directory for only root user)


/bin (user binaries)

[ ls ] [ cd ] [ cp ] [ mkdir ] [ mv ]  [ unzip ] [ pwd ]  [ tar ]  [ sed ]
[cat , chgrp,chmod,chown,data,dd,df,dmesg,echo,false,hostname,kill,ln,login,mknod,more,mount,ps,pwd,rm,rmdif,sh,stty,su,synch,true,umount,uname]

/sbin (system binaries)


“system binaries”


/etc (configuration files)

“Host spesific system config ”
[csh.login, exports, fstab, ftpusers, gateways, gettydefs, group, host.conf, hosts, hosts.allow, hosts.deny, hosts.equiv, hosts.lpd, inetd.conf, inittab, issue,,
motd ], mtab, mtools, networks, passwd, printcap, progile, protocols, resolv.conf, rpc, securetty, services, shells, syslog.conf]

/etc/opt (configuration file add on application software )


/dev (device files)

“location of special or device files”


/proc (process information)


/var (variable files)


/var/cache (application cache data)
/var/lib (variable state information remains after reboot)
/var/yp (data for nis services)
/var/lock (lock files for shared resources)
/var/opt (variable data of packages installed)
/var/run (info of system since it was booted)
/var/tmp (available for program)
/var/log (log files)


/var/spool (data awaiting processing)


/tmp (temporary files deleted on bootup)


/usr (user programs)

“shareable and readonly data”

/usr/local (local software )
/usr/bin ( most user commands )

[ touch ] [ stat ] [ less ] [ sudo ] [ tree ]  [ alien ]

/usr/include ( standart include files for c programming )
/usr/lib ( obj,bin,lib files for program and packages )
/usr/sbin ( non essential binaries )
/usr/share (static data shareable amoung all architectures )
/usr/share/man (manual pages)
/usr/share/man 1 (user programs)
/usr/share/man 2 (system calls)
/usr/share/man 3 (lib functions)
/usr/share/man 4 (special file)
/usr/share/man 5 (file formats)
/usr/share/man 6 (games)
/usr/share/man 7 (misc)
/usr/share/man 8 (system admin)


/home (user home directories)


/boot (staric files of boot loader )


/lib (system libraries)

“library and kernel modules”

/opt (optional add-on apps)

“add on application software”

/mnt (mount directories)

“mount files for temporary filesystems”

/media (removable devices)


/srv (service data)

Terminal Komutları

 [ Ubuntu Terminal Komutlarım ]

TCL/TK Programming Language ]

Good Questions

 [ What is the meaning of the single and double dots in linux  ]
 [ What is the inode in linux  ]
 [ how to use openssl for file encyripted  ]


1 )  [ Ubuntu Oracle JDK Yüklemek ]
2 )  [ Ubuntu Komut Satırından Java Yüklemek ]

3) [
– java indir klasöre çıkar
– bashrc ye ekle

$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_66/bin/java 2
$ update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/javac javac /opt/jdk/jdk1.8.0_66/bin/javac
$update-alternatives --config java 
$ update-alternatives --config javac


3 )  [ Ubuntu Ruby On Rails Kurulumu ]
4 )  [ Vim Kullanımı ]
5)  [ Ubuntu Parola Kabul Etmiyor]
6 )  [ Ubuntu Kullanıcımızın Klasörü Nerededir?]
7 ) [ Bashrc dosyası]

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